DSGVO- Datenschutz-Grundverordnung

Der Inhalt dieser DSGVO ist leider nur auf Englisch und nicht auf Deutsch verfügbar. Falls Sie zusätzliche Erklärungen benötigen, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.

Under the GDPR, the European privacy legislation, we are required to inform you how we handle your personal data. Naturally, we follow GDPR guidelines and process your data with the highest of care. Our privacy statement describes how we exactly process your data. In this document, you may find the following:

  • Which data we collect, how we use it, and how long we save said data.
  • Consumer right to be forgotten (the partial or complete deletion of your personal data).
  • Insights in our efforts in protecting your personal data. ​​​​


You decide

Your personal data will only be used with your consent. You can manage your own data and can inform us at any time if you wish to make changes.

Do you have any questions about the information above? Feel free to contact us via info@yellowhive.nl or by phone via (+31) 085 083 10 01. Thank you for your trust in Yellow Hive.